
Recently, WeChat public platform has become more and more popular with the help of WeChat open platform technology. As one of the most popular public platforms, we beneficial not only from its powerful functions, but also from its technical solutions, especially in terms of data caching technologies.

At present, the most popular data caching technologies used in WeChat public platform are memcached and redis. This paper will mainly focus on the Redis technology used in WeChat.

Redis is an open source key-value distributed storage system, and it is the largest key-value store in the world. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and so on, which helps reduce the complexity of the application logic. Redis can effectively reduce the loading time of WeChat by storing data in memory. Another big advantage of using Redis to store WeChat data is its ability to scale horizontally. With clustering, Redis can be deployed to multiple nodes to improve the loading speed and performance of WeChat public platform.

The Redis technology used in WeChat is based on data sharding technology. Data sharding means splitting the master data into multiple parts, and storing data on multiple nodes. This can help to improve the load performance and scalability of WeChat. In the implementation of data sharding, the hash algorithm is used to evenly distribute data across multiple nodes.

For example, the following is the code for storing data in WeChat using Redis:

// Connect to Redis

$redisClient = new Redis();

// Link to the host

$redisClient->connect(‘host’, 6379);

// Get the data from the cache

$data = $redisClient->get(‘data’);

// If there’s no data, fetch it from the database

if (empty($data)) {

$data = getDataFromDatabase();

$redisClient->set(‘data’, $data);


// Return the data to the client

return $data;

In conclusion, Redis has become an important part of WeChat public platform, and has worked well in storing the data of WeChat, which improves the loading speed and scalability of the platform. Therefore, the use of Redis technology in WeChat has become increasingly popular.
